We've recently made Indy available in more places around the world 🌎🌍🌏
As a result, we've made some updates to the text inside of Contracts for location information.
  • Renamed the “State” label to “Location”
  • Full addresses no longer appear in the contract. Our research and discussions with lawyers uncovered that there's already enough identifiable information in the contract for you to add that you don't need to also include addresses.
  • Location is now used purely for the Governing Law and Arbitration clauses to help you cover yourself in case of unexpected lawsuits across international borders.
  • Updated the opening clause (first paragraph) to be purely focused on defining the roles of both parties.
🗒 These changes only impact new and draft contracts—not the ones you've already sent.
We hope you find these updates helpful!
✌️ Team Indy